
Joe's best remembered Saturday morning
cartoon voiceover character: Babu.
Considering how animated and unforgettable comic Joe Besser's voice and mannerisms were, it only made sense that he'd also find huge success in voicing Saturday morning cartoons. 

Besser, renowned for his comic standout work, found a new realm of adoration through cartoon voiceovers. 

His most iconic role? The charmingly quirky Babu, the bumbling apprentice genie, in Hanna-Barbera's Saturday morning series Jeannie (1973). The role was a perfect match for Joe, showcasing his unique comedic flair and captivating a whole new generation of fans.

Elmo the Elephant: Joe's
last cartoon character. 
But that's not all! Joe's voice graced over 120 episodes of Saturday morning cartoons between 1972 and 1984. From the fire-breathing dragon in The Alvin Show (1962) to the zany adventures of The Houndcats (1972-73), and from the legendary Scooby's All-Star Laff-A-Lympics/Scooby's All Stars (1977-79) as Babu, to his role as Cupid in My Smurfy Valentine (1982) and Elmo the Elephant in Shirt Tales (1983-1984), Joe's range was as impressive as it was entertaining.

And let’s not forget his chance to work alongside a young Mark Hamill in the Jeannie series, who who later became a major star and household name as Luke Skywalker in Star Wars

For an in-depth look at Joe 's vibrant career in animation and beyond, check out his autobiography, Once a Stooge, Always a Stooge, available in hardcoverpaperbackKindleaudiobook and e-book editions

Now explore a sample of Joe's animation legacy by watching these wonderfully funny clips.